Resultados: 5

Strategies by Educators within the School Setting to Prevent and Cope with the Experience of Domestic Violence by Adolescents

Aquichan; 19 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: This work sought to identify, in the discourse of educators, which strategies they can implement, within the school setting, to prevent and cope with the experience of domestic violence by adolescents. Method: Qualitative study based on the critical-liberating perspective of Paulo...

Aspectos demográficos e sociodemográficos de mulheres em situação de violência conjugal: estudo descritivo

Aim: To identify demographic and socioeconomic aspects of women in marital violence. Method: This is a descriptive and quantitative study, linked to an action research project under funding from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia (Research Support Foundat...

Prevalence and factors associated with experience of intrafamilial violence by teenagers in school

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate prevalence of intrafamilial violence experience and its association with sociodemographic, sexual and use of alcohol/drugs variables in teenagers of a public school in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Method: Cross-sectional study with 239 teenagers. Data were collected through ...

Domestic violence: the discourse of women and men involved in criminal proceedings

Abstract This qualitative, descriptive research had the purpose of analyzing the discourse of women and men involved in criminal proceedings on their experience of conjugal violence. Interviews were conducted with men in criminal proceedings for marital violence and the respective testimonies of their co...

Domestic violence: repercussions for women and children

Objectives: To know the meanings attributed by women regarding the repercussions of the experience of domestic violence. Method: Qualitative study, based on the Grounded Theory method. Data were collected in two sticks of domestic and family violence against the Brazilian Northeast woman. An interview w...